If you feel like you’ve been surrounded by concrete and glass for far too long then you probably live in one of a thousands of cities in the world we call a “Metropolis”. Well in retrospect all thts different between the cave men and us is we have multi-storeyed caves that have windows!! I mean they used to live in stone houses, slog all day for a decent meal (don’t we spend ¾ the day slogging in front of our monitors! And damn we don’t even get to eat in peace!). Ironic as it is we have come tens of thousands of years and all that we have changed is the way we live our life and it isn’t for the better either.
Where there was a time when people lived in the lap of nature we in the 21st century have all but gutted our habitat by cutting down the trees filling up lakes and knocking off mountains all in the name of space which is then sold at atrocious prices to people who have too much money who then go ahead and build houses to people who don’t have too much of it but then need a place to live for which they slog all day in front of those monitors. Vicious Cycle wouldn’t you say.
Then it isn’t really a surprise that every once in a while you subconsciously start thinking that you need a break you need to get out of this concrete jungle and go to an actual jungle the kinds with trees and wild animals and fresh air (oh yeah one more of the commodities that we seem to be running clean out off!).
So we start surfing the great WWW to find some forest reserve where we might actually find all of the above and we begin to realize just how hard humanity has been on the planet cause oh there doesn’t seem to be any place within a few 100 miles!
Now how did we manage that, you might wonder. Well hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and technological advancement later we have perfected the art of plunder. We find a place rich in any way be it fertile land, be it rich in minerals, or simply conveniently located to a resource and we start tearing the place apart and ravage it till there isn’t anything left of it and then when we are about 99% through with the land some one realizes that things are going south and something needs to be done to preserve our way of life and tries to make himself heard and to make people understand what they are doing and what does he get - he gets showed to the side lines while so called reliable sources promise that everything is fine and nothing is about to change in a hurry and we heave a collective sigh of relief and life goes on.
This has been happening over the years first it was Global Warming don’t hear much talk about it anymore though. Then there was the ozone layer (Protecting the Ozone Layer: Science and Strategy (Environmental Science))
that also seems to be a passing fad now. Melting icecaps ah ah - too much ice to start worrying about it!
Well things are going to go on this way till we’ve run out of every possible resource, hopefully by then inter planetary travel will be a reality and we find a world like Pandora in Avatar which we can actually move to in a more compatible manner than as shown in the movie. J